• The Concept of Soul and Body

    What would be the substance of human soul ?

    In Hadits Nur Muhammad, it has been explained in the interpretation that souls of human were made from Atomic Substance.
    What kind of atomic substance could build up the soul ? Is the substance same as with the substance which built up the body ? Or what would be the different between soul and body ?

    Human Body
    According to Qur'an, human body was made from soil.
    The evidence of this can be found in soil substance atomic components such as Iron (Fe ),Zinc (Zn ),Copper (Cu ). These atomic components are also existed on human body.
    Human Body is non Astral atomic components. This has been explained in Qur'an and hadits.

    Human Soul
    Human Soul is Astral Atomic Components. It is unseen by eyes, undetected and untouchable, even by human technology.

    Finally, there are two kind of Atomic Substance in this Universe. Let us called them as Non Astral Atomic Substance and Astral Atomic Substance In this article.

    According to Qur'an and Hadits :
    There are two kind of Astral being, Angels and Jinns.
    Angels created form light. Jinns created from fire.
    Light and fire, both of them are from Atomic Substance, no doubt.

    The different between Angel and Jinn
    Angels are soul being.
    Jinns are not soul being, why ? …because Jinn will die like human and then live as soul after death.
    Some people presumed that Jinns are immortal. If we analyze this in the Qur'an, Jinns are not immortal ( Qur'an : 72 : 7 ).
    Only Angels are Immortal, why ?...because Angels are soul being  ( Qur'an : 79 :17 ) and soul are immortal. There is no explanation from Qur'an and Hadits which said that Angels will die like human.

    From above arguments, we can summarize that Angels are unseen by Jinns. Jinns will see Angels only after death. This is because Jinns will be in form of soul being.
    Human,jinns  and souls ( from human and Jinns ) are visible to Angels.

    Human and Soul
    After death, human will be in form of soul. In this state, human will see Angels ,Souls of Jinns and Souls of Human. And In this state two kinds of being will meet, Souls ( from Human and  Jinns ) and The Angels.

     What would be the different between Souls and Angels ?
    Angels are the hands of God and Souls ( from Human and Jinns ) are not.

    From all above arguments  :
    There are two kinds of Astral being in front of human. Jinns and Angels.
    There are one kind of Astral being in front of Jinns. The Angles
    There are no Astral being in front of Angels.

    For now, we may be able to define the level of being in this universe :
    In Astral level one there come the Angels.
    In Astral level two there come Jinns
    In level three ( non Astral ) there come Human ( including Animals, Plants,Planets,Stars,Galaxies and Nebulas, these universe components are non Astral because they are visible to human ).

    Why human cannot see Angels and Jinns ?
    Human cannot see Angels and Jinns because of limit. This limit is known in Islam as Hijab.
    This Hijab is very difficult to understand. I presumed that Hijab works on the efect of light and vibration naturally. Angels and Jinns became unseen because of light effect on the surface of atomic substance is undetected by human eyes. Angels and Jinns became unheard because of vibration effect on atmosphere is undetected by human ears. There is a limit. This limit has been formulated to every creations in this universe even to the particles of dust. Every creations have its own parameter ( able or unable ) to interact each other. These interactions are limited by Hijab. Finally, Hijab is the rule of God. This rule has been formulated in Nur Muhammad long before creations. And of course everything from Nur Muhammad will be bounded in one rule, automatically.

    How do we know that we have soul in our body ?
    Soul stays on our body like water inside a slice of sponge.
    Let me give you an example :
    Supposed our body is a slice of sponge. Let us place the sponge under the water then take it back. From this state, we have two in one substance, water and sponge. We may supposed the water as soul and the sponge as the body. In particle concept this state can be called as a state of particles above particles or particles inside particles. I believe that this particles concept has been explain in Qur'an. This concept known as Nur above Nur ( particles above particle / stacked concept ).

    This phenomena is the same as light inside a glass statue. The light is the soul and the statue is the body.

    When human die, the water inside the sponge will be taken out from the sponge. The angels will do this ( explained in Qur'an : 6 : 61 ). This water is the human souls. After death, soul will lives for about 40 days in the earth before the Angels bring the soul to the next place of life. This place is known as sky ( sky / skies are only a name, this does not mean the sky above us, this sky / skies are planets, there are seven planets for the believer souls and seven planets for the disbeliever souls. it will be explained in different article ).

    There is no way to know that we have soul in our body. Soul is untouchable. We cannot feel it. Soul and body are bounded, it will only be  splitted up when human die. These soul and body are very mysterious to human. God has made us like that, we must accept this willingly. God knows what would be the best to us. We must believe in God and the Messengers / the Prophets. Let us follow our prophets to find the right path on our own life. As for me I follow my beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW ( pbuh ).

    ( Note : I hope that this article will not only be read by Muslim people but also read by non muslim people. I hope we can find the right path in each of our religion ).

    Could the soul fly like a bird as some people presumed ?
    I think we should try to forget all about these presumption. I believe that all kind of creations in this universe could not avoid the natural rule such as Gravity. This natural rule will affect all of the creations. Let us think logically and forget some fantasy images in this case. Thinking logically is the Qur'an recommendation.

    May God bless us with full of mercy.

    End of article.


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