The One Concept is a concept which contain a statement that everything in this universe from one prime cause.
God is existed without beginning and ending. God is a single unique creator which is different from all of the creations in this universe. And the most important thing about the different between God and its creations is that, God substance is not atomic structures and all creations are from the substance of atomic structures. Human are from atomic structures ( soil ), The Angels are from atomic structures ( light ), Jinn are from atomic structures ( fire ). Animals and plants are from atomic structures. Galaxies & Nebulas are from atomic structures / substance.
There is a substance that was firstly created as the source of all creations, this substance is not atomic structures. This substance called as Nur in Islam and mostly called as Nur Muhammad by the people of Islam.
Nur or Nur Muhammad is a single unique creation. This substance is not part of atomic substance. It is independent substance, it cannot be affected by atomic substance interactions, it is the place where the atomic substances live and interact each other. Nur is the substance which surrounds all atomic substances. Every creation in this universe is inside of Nur substance. By this way God make the atomic substances alive in the space with no limit, the space of darkness for all atomic substances. The origin space where God live before creation.
Nur is being, it is the power of God, and God make us alive because of this power. Whatever the wisdom of God, it will be applied by Nur to all creations. Nur is the first hands of God. The rule of this universe, the rule of nature is in the single rule called as Lauh Mahfuzh or The Master of Rule. This rule belongs to Nur. This is the rule of God which applied by Nur to all creations in this universe.
The image shows the steps of creation following the Big Bang Theory.
As shown in the image, the early state is only God existed. Then God created Nur Muhammad. God then live with Nur Muhammad ( Nur Muhammad could be The Holy Spirit or Brahman ) before creation.
Before Big Bang, there was a state where atomic substances created inside Nur. The ancient names of these atomic substances are Fire, Water, Air and Soil. After period of time of creation and processing, these atomic substances then make ultra explosion and thrown tons of material sporadically from the center of explosion. These materials then became Galaxies and Nebulas. Galaxies and Nebulas then make formation which is called as the form of universe dimension. This universe dimension keep surrounded by Nur volumetrically.
This image shows the concept of creation. God firstly created a none atomic particle / substance as the origin of all creations in this universe. The name of this origin substance is Nur or Nur Muhammad. The name of this origin substance is possibly existed in some of none Islamic religions. In Christian, this sacred substance possibly The Holy Spirit, in most of Brahmanism religions such as Hindu, this sacred substance possibly The Brahman. In ancient philosophers of Greek, this sacred substance possibly Apheiron ( from Anaximander ).
From the image is shown that this universe is from atomic particles / atomic substances / atomic structures.
This image shows the possibility of universes existence outside of our universe. Because the space out of our universe is a space with no limit, it is possibly that there are more universes like our universe exist. But this is only possibilities .
The space with no limit, the space of darkness before creation. This space cannot be categorized as a limited space, because there is always a question….what would be the outside of the limit ?...there is no limit, this is the place of God, the place of The Unlimited. There is no beginning on this space as God has no beginning. There is no ending on this space, as God has no ending. This is the place where the secret of God lies. Only God knows what kind of place that is.
Note :
As the believer, we pray and worship only to one God, The One and only. All creations will obey only to One God. Because God is only one, we have to make sure that in our mind, praying and worshiping, we have addressed God correctly. We have to make sure that we are not addressing the false address.
Summary :
Everything in this universe existed because of one prime cause, God, The only one creator.
End of articles.