• Hadits Nur Muhammad

    Nur Muhammad the origin of all creations

    The source of this article is Al-Hadits.this hadits was presumed to have been modified in time after the prophet has passed away.this is the only source of Islam concerning the origin of this universe.what this hadits wants to explain is that there is a substance that be the origin of this universe include human being inside of it.this substance was created by God without any source.God made it by his sentence.the name of the substance is Nur Muhammad.

    It must be noted that the name of the hadits should not be presumed as Nur of the prophet Muhammad saw.Nur Muhammad is a substance and the prophet is human.the two of them are different.it is better to save our perception that Nur Muhammad is the Nur of the prophet Muhammad.let God shows the truth to us when the time is come.
    For now let us say that Nur Muhammad is a substance that presumed to be the source of all creations in this universe.by this way the concept of Nur Muhammad can be shared to all the people of the earth and can be correlated to all human inventions regarding the expansion of Qur'an Interpretation about The Creation.

    What is Nur Muhammad ?

    Al-Hadits :

    First Paragraph :
    It has been explained in hadits,God truly created a tree that was named as Sure Tree.this tree has four branches.then God created Nur Muhammad from white diamond,shaped it like a peacock.God placed the peacock above the Sure Tree.then the peacock read tasbih for 70.000 years.then God created a mirror of life in front of the peacock.when the peacock looked to the mirror,it saw its beauty face and its good behaviour.then the peacock became a shame before God.it sweated,there were six drops of its sweat.then from the first drops God created Abu Bakar ra,from the second drops God created Umar ra,from the third drops God created Utsman ra,from the fourth drops God created Ali ra,from the fifth drops God created Rose and from the sixth drops God created Rice plant.

    Interpretation :

    Sure Tree = this is presumed to be the center of the universe.
    It is probably that this Sure Tree is the center of the universe.it is somewhat similar to a star in a solar system or a blackhole in a galaxy system.all cosmic components surrounding this Sure Tree as the orbital center.

    Four Branches = It was a plan that all creations would be from four fundamental substances.these substances then known as Fire,Water,Air and Soil.these four substances were created from Nur Muhammad.then these four substances became the origin of this universe.these four substances then known as Atom. as we knew then that Fire,Water,Air and Soil are the form of atomic structures.

    Mirror of life :
    The image of the creations would be.

    Nur Muhammad = This is the ancient substance,the early substance.this substance then became the origin of all atomic substances. God created four atomic substances from Nur Muhammad,Fire,Water,Air and Soil.
    Firstly Fire,Water,Air and Soil were only in form of Atomic substances not in form of real Fire,Water,Air and Soil.
    God created Nur Muhammad from no source.it was existed because the power of God.we must accepted this theory as a believer and it has been explained in the Holy Book like Qur'an. people who believe in God should not reject this theory.

    Firsly God placed Nur Muhammad in Sure Tree,as was presumed that this Sure Tree is the center of universe.this is the beginning.the early moment of the popular theory, Big bang. there was procession for 70,000 years for Nur Muhammad before producing Big Bang.
    This procession was called "Doing Tasbih" in Islam.this was the time where God make the universal rule. It was applied into Nur Muhammad. this universal rule then known as Natural Rule ( people became old and etc...because of this Natural Rule ).this universal rule known in Islam as Sunnatullah,the Rule of God.

    After 70,000 years of processing, Atomic substances then existed.these substances consist of  Fire,Water,Air and Soil. These atomic substances were not in form of real Fire,Water,Air and Soil but only in form of Atomic substance.there were no form before creation. we may call these four substances as four formula.these were formulated to form the shapes of galaxy and all cosmic components.

    Four drops :
    Abu Bakar ra , This was the Representation of Fire,Umar ra was the Representation of Water, Ustman ra was the Representation of Air then finally Ali ra was the Representation of Soil.

    Two last drops :
    Rose,this was the representation of love.and Rice Plant was the representation of wealth or prosperity.
    These last two drops were not a kind of substance,these were the destination of life, the destination of creations. We must believe that whatever we do in this earth, we will be back to this destination of life, willingly or unwillingly. we are in one rule, the rule of God.

    Nur Muhammad is particles. In front of God, Nur Muhammad is Being. it will apply all what God order. God communicate with Nur Muhammad by sentences. Whatever God says to Nur Muhammad, it will be applied.Nur Muhammad is the Power Of God. By Nur Muhammad, God make this universe alive. all atomic structure are live under the Power of Nur Muhammad. Without Nur Muhammad, Atomic Structures like Human,animal and plants are extinction. Without Nur Muhammad, galaxies,nebulas,solar system and etc…are extinction. These cosmic components are alive inside of Nur Muhammad.

    Nur Muhammad is the lowest particle in this universe. With this form, Nur Muhammad can be inside of an atom and even inside of subatomic like proton and neutron. We found this explanation in Qur'an as God said : " I am not far from you, more close to you than the vein in your neck". ( Qur'an : 50 : 16 ).
    In the other words, this sentence can be explained as : " My Power is not far from you, more close to you than the vein in your neck".
    This Power of God is Nur Muhammad.
    Nur Muhammad is everywhere in this universe.
    God is not everywhere, God is personal, God could be anywhere in this universe or outside this universe.

    From my personal opinion,Nur Muhammad is not different with what we called as The Holy Spirit or Ruhul Qudus. The name of Ruhul Qudus exist in Qur'an. In Brahmanism concept, there is a name called Brahman, I believe that Brahman is Nur Muhammad or The Holy Spirit. Brahman is not God itself, it is the Power of God. Same to The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is The Power Of God, not God itself.
    Nur Muhammad, The Holy Spirit and Brahman are probably the same substance, the origin of all creations.

    Misunderstanding :
    Some people thought that the origin of this universe and all inside of it are from God Substance. In other words, we human are God itself. even things like stone and wood are God itself.
    I do not want to argue to this statement, let us follow what we believe and live in peace.

    Note :
    If  this hadits was not modified in early time of Islam, this could lead Islam in the right concept of creation. And all creation concept interpretation could be from this hadist. unfotunately human is a place of error and misunderstanding. Science has taken the first place as a leader of human inventions not Religion. I believe that God hopes us to placed the Religion in the first place before Science, Science should be the follower of Religion, this is the right sequence. But it was late.

    Note :
    Because Nur Muhammad is being in front of God, then all substances created from Nur Muhammad are being. It could be difficult for us to accept that Atom is being. But for me, atom is being. Everything from Nur Muhammad is being, including stone and wood. The atomic structures that build up human form is being.  And Finally “Everthing is being in front of God.”

    Second Paragraph :
    Then the sixth creation from Nur Muhammad bowed five times.this moment then became the time for praying .from that time God ordered the prophet Muhammad S.A.W with all his followers to pray five times a day.

    Interpretation :
    This paragraph explained that there will be a kind of ethic in Islam. Do praying five times a day. This has been explained in Qur'an and Al-Hadits.
    This praying ethic has been explained in this hadits early before creation. in other words, the followers of the prophet Muhammad SAW will pray daily to God after creation.

    Third Paragraph :
    God then looked to Nur Muhammad,then it sweated again because of a shame before God.from a few of its sweated drops God created Angels.this drops came from its nose.from the drops of its face God created Arsy,Qursy,Lauh,Qalam,Sun,Moon,and a few of hijab,stars and all the things in the sky.from the drops of its breast God created all of the world Prophets,gurus,syuhada and the faithful people.then God created Baitul Makmur,Baitul Maqdis and the places of mosques in the earth.these all from the drops of its back.

    Interpretation :
    This paragraph explained the origin of some creations.
    Angels,Arsy,Qursy,Lauh,Qalam,Sun,Moon,Hijab,Stars and all the things in the sky.
    All prophets of this earth were from the sweat of Nur Muhammad. this sweat drops are atomic substances.
    From this atomic subtances all the creation were made.Gurus,Syuhada,Fiathful People,the place like Baitul Makmur,Baitul Maqdis ( Jerussalem ) and Mosques in the earth.

    Fourth Paragraph :
    From the sweat of its eyebrow God created the followers of Muhammad that consist of mukminin-mukminat,muslimin-muslimat.from the sweat of its ears God created the soul of Jews,Christians,Majusi and the people who betrayed God,the hypocrite people.from the drops of its legs God created Earth with all inside of it from east to west.

    Interpretation :
    God created the followers of the prophet Muhammad SAW from atomic substance ( sweat drops ). Include all the people of Jews,Christians and the people who betrayed God, the hypocrite people.
    God created the earth from atomic substance.
    This paragraph explained the origin of all above. all of them were from atomic substance,not from Nur Muhammad.

    It must be noted that all above creations are the same in front of God.this paragraph only explained the origin of all creations above, not the different among the human.

    Fifth Paragraph :
    God then said to Nur Muhammad : "Look in front of you Nur Muhammad". then Nur Muhammad saw some nur in front, some nur behind, some nur in the right, some nur in the left. then all of these nurs read tasbih for 70.000 years.

    Interpretation :
    After 70,000 years of self processing, then Nur Muhammad start the second process for 70,000 years again. this time Nur Muhammad processed with four atomic substance, Fire , Water, Air and Soil ( we may call these as atomic formula ).
    This is the moment of Big Bang. after 70,000 years of processing, the fifth substances ( Nur Muhammad,Fire,Water,Air and Soil ) produce the contents of this universe.
    According to Big Bang theory, this process was started by an ultra explosion. This explosion made the material exist. This explosion throw materials sporadically from the center of explosion. Then after a period of times this materials formed galaxies and nebulas.
    The  human then be founded live in one of  a little planet inside Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth…this is human theory.

    Sixth Paragraph :
    God then created Nur of all Prophets of the earth from Nur of The Prophet Muhammad SAW. then God looked to that Nur,God created the souls of all the Prophets of the earth from that Nur.this means that God created the souls of all the Prophets of the earth from the sweat of Nur Muhammad.

    Interpretation :
    This paragraph explained the souls creation.these souls created from atomic substances ( the sweat drops of Nur Muhammad ). In this paragraph God created the souls of all the prophets of the earth ( from Adam to Isa Al-Masih, include the prophet Muhammad ).

    Seventh Paragraph :
    And God created the souls of the Prophet Muhammad SAW followers. They all said together : "Laa Ilahaa Illal Laah Muhammadu Rasululullah".There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.

    Interpretation :
    God created the souls of the prophet Muhammad SAW followers. It must be from atomic substances, no different.
    All that souls said together " Laa Ilahaa Illal Laah Muhammadu Rasululullah".There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.

    Eight Paragraph :
    Then God created a lamp from red ruby. And then God created the face of the prophet Muhammad as his face in the world.God placed the face of the prophet Muhammad inside that lamp. Then Muhammad SAW stood up inside the lamp as he stood up for pray. Meanwhile the souls of all the prophets of the earth surround him and reading tasbih and tahlil for 100 years. then God ordered to all the souls to looked at Nur Muhammad then they looked at that Nur.

    Interpretation :
    This paragraph explained what human will be after creation. This is the images of human daily life. The role of human in this universe.
    There will be a leader among them, a king and queen, painters, Qur'an reciter and etc...

    Some  of them looked at his head then they be a leader and king of all being in the world. for them who looked at his bald then they be a wise king and queen.for them who looked at his eyes then they be a Qur'an reciter.part of them looked at his eyebrows the they be a painter or a craftman.for them who looked at his ears the they be a listener and advise receiver…
    The next text was cut.this paragaraph only explain about  all human role in the world community. not really necessary to be full involved in this article. ( please try to find the full text of this hadits in your region if it is necessary ).

    Ninth Paragraph :
    And it should be noted that God has ordered all being ( Human,Angesl and Jinn ) to pray with sign of "Ahmad and "Muhammad". then stand up in praying like "Alif " character ( first Arabic character ).bowed like "Kha" character,prostrated like "Mim" Character, sat like "Dal" character. then all being became like lafadz Muhammad,then their head is rounded like  the first "Mim" character and like "Kha" character. their stomach like the second "Mim" character and their legs like "Dal" character.

    Interpretation :
    This paragraph is specific to Muslim only. Whatever would be the interpretation of this paragraph it will not be a matter. people may believe or not believe…back to personal matter.

    What important from this hadist is that "There is a Substance that firstly created by God, then this substance became the origin of all creations. God is not the origin of the all creations."

    Final Paragraph :
    Human from unbeliever will not be burned as long as their body is still in form of human. they will be burned after the form of their body changed into form of pig then they will be burned in the hell.

    Interpretation :
    It is specific to someone who believe. It is a matter of personal experience. When this moment come, someone will be alone, then the evidence will be shown..nobody knows. Everyone will feel this without any time to share it with the others around. this paragraph explained the state of hell. in the hell people can not help each other. people cannot even know what their families or friends around feel of.
    God has given us the prophets, we must believe them. This is the only option for the believer.

    End of Hadits.


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