• The Early State Theory

    Before Genesis

    Was there time definition before God created this universe ?...

    In the eyes of human and even in the imagination of human, the early state before creation is nothing but darkness.
    There was no atomic particle, atomic particle only existed after creation. as we knew that without atomic particle there will be no light, no sounds and more.

    In this state of darkness ( only in the eyes of being ), God lived alone ( supposed it like that ).
    Universe was not yet existed. This state of darkness should not be supposed as a state of darkness in front of God. God is not the same as being, and more of that the substance of God is not from atomic substance. Only creation from atomic substance would see the early state as a darkness. God is different. What can we say about God ?...nothing but God is God…far beyond human imagination. this must be the concept of the believer.

    What can we say about universe before creation ?..was this universe existed or not existed, yet ?
    In this theory, I presumed that universe should be existed after creation not before creation.
    If this was the state, how to answer this question : " In what space God lived before universe created ?...
    The answer to this question is :
    God lived in  a place or in a space beyond human imagination. this place / space, cannot be called as a space, that is because this space is unlimited region. there is nothing more outside of this space. In other words, we can say that this space has no limit or border. Compare it with this universe, this universe should has a limit or border. this is because this universe has the beginning. According to Big Bang Theory, this universe came from an ultra explosion which had produced tons of material and these materials then became galaxies and nebulas. Only something that has a beginning which has a limit or border.
    The space before universe creation is a space without a limit or border, this darkness space has no beginning. Same to God…God has no beginning. We must accept this as the limit of our logical range. And as the believer we must totally accept this as reality. Once again, God is beyond of Human imagination.


    In the early state, God created this universe from one substance. This substance was created without any source. God made this substance from its sentence. This substance existed from nothing, this is the power of God. And it should not be a question to us.

    Only being, especially human need sources to create something. This is the different between God and being. God does not need sources to create.
    We must accept this creation concept. If we cannot accept this concept, I am afraid that we supposed God as Human, God needs sources for creation. This is totally wrong. God is God….not Human.
    This different has been explained in Qur'an and Hadits.

    The substance that was created firstly is called as Nur Muhammad in Islam. This information came from Al-Hadits.
    According to interpretation of this hadits, God created this universe and all inside of it including human from Nur Muhammad ( the origin substance ). This has been explained in the early article ( Hadits Nur Muhammad ).

    Summary :

    The early state is a darkness to human but not to God.
    There is  a space where God lives before genesis, this space has no limit or border. this space has no beginning, only something that has a beginning which has a limit or border.
    Universe is existed after genesis not before genesis. This universe has a beginning and of course it has a limit or border.
    All components inside this universe such as Human,Animals and Plants were existed after creation of universe. According to Qur'an , human was directly created from God hands. Human created barely from soil ( atomic structures ).
    What about animals and plants ?..we may supposed their existence from nature, if they were existed from nature, they should have been created from the power of God. This power of God is Nur Muhammad or The Holy Spirit.  We can accept The Spontaneous Theory in this case ( only to animals and plants ).


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